Anglais - Leçon
Few verbs / Quelques verbes
To blow |
souffler |
To smile |
sourire |
To climb |
grimper |
To carry |
porter |
To play |
jouer |
To think |
penser, réfléchir |
To cook |
cuisiner |
To take a bath |
prendre un bain |
To fight |
Se battre |
To write |
écrire |
To sleep |
dormir |
To split |
fendre |
To wait (for) |
attendre |
To crawl |
nager |
To jump (rope) |
sauter (à la corde) |
To build |
construire |
To pick |
cueillir |
To paint |
peindre |
To throw |
lancer |
To read |
lire |
To watch (TV) |
regarder (la télévision) |
To brush |
brosser |
To eat |
manger |
To listen |
écouter |
To speak |
parler |
To mow |
tondre |
To sew |
coudre |
To break |
casser |
To pull |
tirer |
To fall |
tomber |
To take |
prendre |
To wash |
laver |
To dig |
creuser |
To hide |
(se) cacher |
To sing |
chanter |
To drink |
boire |
To win |
gagner |
To sweep |
balayer |
To run |
courir |
To laugh |
rire |
To be standing |
être debout |
To cry |
pleurer |
To sell |
vendre |
To dance |
danser |
To buy |
acheter |
To catch |
attraper |
To walk |
marcher |
To knit |
coudre |
To push |
pousser |
To be sitting |
être assis |